Tuesday 17 December 2013

"Outlaw" Jimmy Jones takes Messham for a ride

See this post The Outlaw Jimmy to learn how Royden takes Steve Messham for a ride and then stabs him in the back:

Interesting comments too, copied here for brevity...


  1. Afternoon Kev.
    Excellent blog, been reading last night and posting properly, mostly. ;-)
    If you know Steve Messham, please give him my kindest regards and hope he’s keeping well. (Tell him it’s the one who wanted to buy him a cat at Christmas, might ring a bell.)
  2. This is some important published evidence!
    This is the thing, though: Evidence really should speak for itself, but spectators and bystanders too often either enjoy what they believe is infighting as entertainment, or are too frightened and repulsed to look. Some are too lazy to read much of anything. That works well for the bully. Sides are taken on the basis of emotion or ties to others already allied with a side. Whatever the reason, people simply do not read the evidence or timelines, or this bullying of csa survivors would not have continued to cause damage and bullies would be supported only by their socks.
    Bullies simply do not own up to anything they’ve done in the past, not even a single day earlier. They have no “anchor of time,” living entirely in the moment, changing topics and without any awareness of future consequences. Not one thing a bully said or did in the past is of significance to him, even though it is what defines the pattern of behaviour. Oddly enough, a bully can’t even understand WHY you are referring to what he said before. He believes anything besides the momentary power play at hand is as irrelevant to others as to him. Truth is just a word he bandies about to spice up his diatribes as he flits from one topic, target, or insult, to the next. There is not much chain of coherent conversation, no consistency to his train of thought, so there’s very little chance of meaningful outcome by engaging a bully.
    The only solution is to collect and publish evidence without using a single bullying tactic or name, without emotion or insult, in order that the real bully’s timeline singles itself out as being one-sided nastiness. This is true of online bullies and even those in person. Standing up to bullies for the best of reasons only brings out our worst characteristics if we use their tactics back. If the bully is actually lacking normal human empathy, a bully’s opponent risks having to out-bully a bully. That is a hard contest to win if you are not wired like a psychopath. A bully excels at only one single skill: Being meaner. He has undoubtedly honed this skill for many years.
    Best then to discuss the characteristics, techniques and evidence of bullies in general with the pity, reserve and detachment with which we address any unfortunate personality disorders. Without naming the bully, it is purely by his works he shall be known, so to speak. That way vulnerable potential bully victims may be educated and protected without fear of entanglement in personal divisions. And it helps, too, that by understanding the bully’s projection, it is simple to openly and accurately predict in advance exactly what a bully will accuse others of. It will be whatever the bully is guilty of, time and again, as surely as night meets day.
    • Excellent comment @denverelle
      Of course, you are quite correct about “projection” by these bullies. There is actually a term for it, it is the classic sub genre of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome. In this classic sub genre; unlike the more commonly understood symptoms of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome where a parent projects illness onto a child and insists to a doctor that the child is ill when it is not; in the classic sub genre; the bully will project all its failings in life onto a chose victim or group of victims.
      Of course having the capability to do the bullying anonymously from behind the protections of a computer connected to the internet is an advantage to cyberpaths. I have noticed in this war that is being discussed, the bullies only offer words against its victims, makes accusations without providing any concrete evidence beyond reasonable doubt to support its vexatious and mendacious claims against others. This is a typical trait, I know from personal experience, but it is dangerous. Inevitably the names of the ones abused by the bully, when searched in google, will bring up any blog publications anywhere that contain the names. The danger herein is that potential new clients for the names will invariably google those names to research someone they may be interesting in working with. The danger of finding such vexatious and mendacious libel online in various places can have a damaging effect and the person who finds it is likely to not want to have any association after reading such sewer garbage. Again, i know this from personal experience; it destroys your reputation and affects you professionally as well as personally.
      Unfortunately; I was alone in all the attacks by my abusers; whereas what you have here is a group of people all being published about with lies backed up by not one single shred of evidence. I urge you all to rally together and bring a joint legal action against your bully and abuser.
      The majority of people who may read the rubbish, unfortunately are seldom objective about what they read and tend to believe the lies they read.

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